Darkspore Wiki

In-game Blazer.

Blazers are small, slow-moving Plasma Minions, encountered during the boss-battle with Merak. Merak summons subsequent Blazers as he takes more damage.

Blazers' have only one attack, but it is an effective one: As they move around the battlefield, they leave behind plasma-trails that burns Heroes who touch them, which makes Blazers very dangerous if left unchecked.


Their main goal is to walk around the field spreading their plasma trail, so it is a good idea to kill them before you are engulfed in fire. But Blazers do not fight back, and they have no more health than a regular minion, so killing them is not that much of a problem. However, focusing on the Blazers rather than Merak is quite dangerous, as Merak will continuously attack you. This means dealing with Blazers will be much easier in co-op. But killing them sometimes drop Health and Power capsules as well as recharge your Overdrive.

The 'Immune to being burned by Darkspore' secondary stat render Blazers completely harmless.


  • Blazers only have one variant because it is a spawned minion. Their other variants were created, but never used.
  • Blazers are a sub-class of Minions, called Spawns. As the name suggests, they are spawned by other Darkspore, Merak in this case.